
Analytic solutions

Business Intelligence

Connect data from different sources and visualize it in the form of "live" interactive reports and dashboards.

Advanced analytical solutions

Synapse analysis is a powerful framework that harnesses the potential of Microsoft Azure Synapse Analytics, an integrated analytics service.

BIG Data / Data Mining

We will help you analyse, calibrate and structurize your business data from all sources to a custom data blocks designed for your business.

SMART solutions

IIoT/IoT digitalization and telemetry

Digitalization of production is the process of collecting data through various smart devices and industrial technologies and then processing it.

Machine learning

Machine learning solutions are part of our Digitizing Manufacturing service but already provide advanced data models and algorithms for semi-automated/automated processes.

Data Management

Data Warehouse / Operation Data Store

A Data Warehouse enables to collect , extract, consolidate and unify data from various data sources and information systems.

Virtual mixed reality

Virtual mixed reality (MxR), which is a technology that combines the best of both virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR).

We will personally introduce you to the application and its practical use